About the movie

While Upstaged originally grew out of a school requirement, Jeneen quickly became enamored with the idea of making a short film, considering she was already involved in media production. The cast and crew are all great friends, fellow worshippers, and musical companions; however, the true inspiration for Upstaged came from the lead actor, Theo Johnson, Jeneen Johnson's husband.

Most who know Theo are aware of his stoic outward appearance--but don't let that fool you. Theo is a real life church musician and band member who is happiest (and smiles the most) when playing the drums. It was that mutual love Theo has for God and music, along with a strong belief in prayer, that lead Jeneen to depict what happens when the instruments of life try to overtake or upstage us, just as the drumsticks tried to do with Theo.

Victory is achieved; however, as long as we remember the power we possess within and activate it when necessary. When this happens, there is nothing we can't accomplish through faith. So take back your power and play on!

Read what our viewers have to say about the movie.

Demi Anderson


An unexpected surprise. Great job!


Anthony Latham


